**Now offering the special rate of $325 through January 15th, 2025**

"I never thought I could help others in finding their truth and their light,
but here I am lighting up the world one QHHT® session at a time."

-Pedro Lugo

Now offering intuitive readings!  Please see more information under 
"Additional Services"

 Hypnosis for Healing

A Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ session, commonly known as QHHT® is an amazing journey of self discovery. Dolores Cannon pioneered this fascinating technique from her training and work as a hypnotherapist, hypnotizing people for weight loss, smoking cessation and such in the 1960s. Please read more about the development of QHHT® here:


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Why have a QHHT® session?
People have sessions for a
variety of reasons.

• To heal trauma
• To find out about connections with other people
• A desire to be happier
• They’ve come to a crossroads in their life and are looking for guidance.
• To heal physical issues
• Curiosity about past lives
• They had something unusual happen and they want to find out more about it.
• They want to find out if they are on the “right path” and fulfilling their soul’s purpose.
• To get information about recurring dreams
• They had a friend do it and they thought it sounded really interesting.
• A combination of the above
• And more! 

How is QHHT® Different from Other
Forms of Regression Therapy?

     The practitioner guides the client to the “theta” brainwave state of consciousness, the state we are in just before falling asleep and just before we wake up.
    The practitioner asks to speak to the “Higher Self”, “Over Soul” or as Dolores Cannon called it, the “Subconscious”, the part of us that stays connected to “God” or “Source.” This part of us knows everything about us since we were created.
    The Subconscious knows what we need to heal at any given time and takes the client where they need to go to experience that information. Sometimes it’s a past life or lives and sometimes it’s an earlier time in the client’s current life. Important information can also come from the time between lives.
    When the practitioner speaks to the Subconscious, he or she can ask why particular lives were shown and there is always a reason.
The practitioner asks the client’s prepared questions as well as for healing of any physical issues. 

What is the General Format of a QHHT® Session?

Sessions consist of three parts:
  1. First, before the hypnosis begins, we will have a pre-talk where I get to know you in a relaxed, confidential, and non-judgmental environment. We will also work our way through the list of questions you have prepared to explore during the deep trance hypnotherapy. This usually takes about two hours and can go longer if needed.

 2. Next, we move into the very relaxed and peaceful state of hypnosis. You will be under for about 2 hours or possibly longer.

 3. The final part, after I bring you out of the hypnosis is the debriefing which can take about an hour or more if needed, where we talk about what happened. 

I record the session during the hypnosis and send it to you later that day or the following morning. 

 Further Information

QHHT® sessions are held in person only and no visitors are allowed.
• I have facilitated over 200 sessions. 
• I follow the teaching of Dolores Cannon and conduct my sessions as she taught.
• After you have booked your session, I will send you information on how to prepare for it. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
• I can ask the Subconscious/Higher Self for healing, however in some cases, it will give a reason why it cannot. It usually has to do with the client needing to do more work on themselves, there is something that they still need to learn or work through. In that case, I will ask for specific details on what the client needs to do to heal. Other times it will complete the healing before the session ends.
• If you need to use the restroom during your session, it’s no problem. When you return, you lay back down and you will be in a deeper state of relaxation than before you got up. It’s just like getting up from sleeping, going to the bathroom, coming back, and going right back to sleep.
• Please, please listen to your recording multiple times! You will get much more from your session!